a selection from the most distinguished wineries of spain
Our goal is to make it easy for our clients to find detailed information about all the wines in our portfolio!
Spain Wine Collection is a family-owned and operated wine importer & wholesaler based out of Congers, NY since 1999.
As a wholesaler, our customers are other businesses, principally restaurants and liquor stores, that hold valid alcoholic beverage licenses in their respective states. Currently, Spain Wine Collection wines can be purchased at select retailers in New York, New Jersey, California, Florida and Minnesota.
Please call our office at (845) 268-2622 during regular business hours and we will make every effort to find an authorized retailer near you.
Please call our office at (845) 268-2622 during regular business hours.
Our fax line is (845) 268-2642. Electronic correspondence can be sent to spainwinecollection@gmail.com .
We maintain an updated price list of products currently in stock for our customers. Please call or email the office for a copy.